Good Evening Is there cure [ May be Jamu ?? ] for Tinnitus? Acarding to ATA [ America Tennitus Association ] ..... there is NO cure Hope to hear discussion from the Forum Best Wishes Ron http://www.ata. org/about- tinnitus/ patient-faq1# Cure_ Is There A Cure For Tinnitus? There is no cure, per se, for tinnitus in that there is no one magic pill that will make the millions of people with tinnitus no longer hear the noises in their ears and head. However, in some cases, tinnitus can be quieted. For example, some people have excessive earwax that blocks outside sound from coming in. When ear wax or any foreign object, such as a hair, touches the eardrum, tinnitus can be a result. By having a physician or audiologist remove the wax, the source of the tinnitus is also removed. Some people with severe hearing loss have found that a cochlear implant helps them hear the world around them, which in part makes the tinnitus in their heads much less noticeable. Neither of these examples is a hard and fast cure, but the examples do represent that relief is available and possible. In the meantime, ATA enthusiastically supports tinnitus research with grants to researchers worldwide. ATA also advocates for increased federal funding of tinnitus and hearing research. Is there a cure for tinnitus? There is no cure, per se, for tinnitus in that there is no one magic pill that will make the millions of people with tinnitus no longer hear the noises in their ears and head. However, in some cases, tinnitus can be quieted. For example, some people have excessive earwax that blocks outside sound from coming in. When ear wax or any foreign object, such as a hair, touches the eardrum, tinnitus can be a result. By having a physician or audiologist remove the wax, the source of the tinnitus is also removed. Some people with severe hearing loss have found that a cochlear implant helps them hear the world around them, which in part makes the tinnitus in their heads much less noticeable. Neither of these examples is a hard and fast cure, but the examples do represent that relief is available and possible. In the meantime, ATA enthusiastically supports tinnitus research with grants to researchers worldwide. ATA also advocates for increased federal funding of tinnitus and hearing research. |